Free $25.00 Gift Card

Posted in Frugal Living on August 24, 2008 by jakesmommy03

I have been looking around finding great blogs to read and ran across a few great ones and one that has this great idea of giving away a $25.00 gift card for commenting on her site. How super cool is that. Her blog is . She is trying to get traffic to her site so take a peak. I think you will like this blog. 🙂 Make sure you read the directions because their are more blogs that are doing the same thing:) Good Luck to All.

I bet you are wondering…..

Posted in A little about my life with tags , , on August 19, 2008 by jakesmommy03

I bet you are wondering where the title of my blog came from. Well it came from a good friend’s mother who thought it up and basically sums up my life because I am a army wife and mommy. 🙂 I could ramble on and on about how hard it is to be a miltary wife, but I will spare you that. Infact since we have been where we are now, they are doing all kinds of remodeling and rebuilding of the military homes (a huge plus) that we have moved 3 times in two years on post lol. How crazy is that. Only to move again next year to our next duty station.  Yes, my husband has been to Iraq twice and will probably have to go back eventually if we don’t get out of there again in the future.    When we were at Benning were he was almost gone three years straight because of the two tours to Iraq and one to Kosovo and then the time spent away training for them all in between. It was really a strain on our marriage but we have made it so far. 

It really is a tough job but someone  has to love these sexy soldiers in uniform lol.  I never dreamed of what I was really getting myself into when I met him but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Now, we have one son age 5 and will be married 10 years Oct 1st.  We hope to have another one day but we are trying to pay off some bills or close to it before we start trying again.  I worry I am getting too old but think I have a few good years on me still. It took 2 years to get pregnant with Jake but I hope it doesn’t take that long again when we try again.

Pressure to sell Fundraisers

Posted in Ramblings on August 19, 2008 by jakesmommy03

So school just started and my son of course is a kindergartener this year. Well they just sent home the first fundraiser of the year Friday. The date on the booklets says you have until Sept 02. Well I go off and forget the fundraising booklet this weekend when we went to visit family in town. Today, my son proceeds to tell me in almost tears that I forgot his fundraising packet. I proceed to tell him no sweetie we have until Sept 02 so there is still time that I was taking it with me to Fundraising Yard Sale I am organizing this weekend to get some orders.  Well he started to tell me, that someone brought theirs in today and started talking about toys and stickers etc…. So tonight I go home and look again at the paper and it says for all students who sell 10 items and have it turned in by 8/21 will get $5.00 and to attend a ice cream party and this is what he was telling me in almost tears. Since the 21st is this Thursday I won’t be able to take it this weekend to get more orders right? So, Stephen and I end up doing early small gift christmas shopping and spending $99.00 Frickin dollars on you guessed it basically crap, just so my son’s  feelings won’t get hurt. They are constantly reminding them and bribing them with things and it really upsets me they do this.

So, tomorrow he will turn his slip in with the 10 items we bought and then we will bring the book for additional orders to the Fundraising Yard Sale this weekend to try and get you guessed it MORE orders so he can take a field trip.  He will then need 5 more orders so I am hoping family and friends will help us with the last five items. And let me tell you this stuff isn’t really cheap. We bought 10.00 items but the Christmas cards are $23.00 and wrapping paper $10.00 geesh.

P.S. Sorry about the halloween colors in the text, I need to pay to upgrade that lol. I will one day soon when I am not spending all my extra money on FUNDRAISING LOL.

Shouldn’t I feel Complete?

Posted in Feelings on August 12, 2008 by jakesmommy03

I am just getting started so bare with me. I am trying to get this blog going because a little voice in my head keeps saying you need to start writing. Most of the time I don’t listen to that little voice lol. I wish I would sometimes. I guess that is where my stubborness comes into play.   I remember when I was a little girl, I used write these short stories all the time and enjoyed it so much. 

Now, so much of my life is consumed with working 50 hours a week, being a mommy and a wife, trying to pay off student loans and credit cards so we don’t struggle forever that I have forgotten who I am. I have been really struggling with this recently. I turned 31 in Feburary, I am not sure if that has something to do with it or not.  But between moving quite a bit and life, I have very few friends, infact I have one very dear friend. I find that I am so darn shy most of the time. If you really know me you wouldn’t think I am shy at all but really when it comes to meeting new people my shyness is so terrible I think I come off as stuck up lol.

Maybe this is all apart of growing up. I hate the feeling of uncertainty though. I feel empty when I sit down sometimes and realize I really need a new hobby. I spent the past couple of years making graphics in the pixel graphic community and have grown out of that maybe I don’t know. I just know, that the sales were slowing down etc.. (I know making money off things isn’t considered a hobby but this was just enough money to keep the hobby going) and noone seemed as interested in them anymore. I think maybe because digital is starting to come out unless of course you are one of those that can make pixel graphics look realistic. I considered myself pretty good but good enough. I still do things on the side like make banners for people, and some simple web designs but still I have this emptyness. What is this emptyness I keep feeling?

Am I completely satisfied? I don’t think so, but it has nothing to do with my family. I am very blessed to have a wonderful husband of 10 years this Oct 1st and a wonderful 5 year old little boy whom just started kindergarten this year and decent paying job although it isn’t the job of my dreams or what I went to school for. Shouldn’t I feel complete with all my blessings?

Please don’t think I am not grateful because I am very grateful for everything I have.  I have a wonderful opportunity to work at home for my company and that is awesome. I just feel like sometimes I guess I should be in a more powerful position because I went to school etc…  but with the way my life turned out as a military wife, I have had to sacrifice so much. Besides having to start at the bottom all the time at my jobs because of all the moving etc…. I have had to forgoe desires to be a pharmaceutical sales rep because they travel a couple times a year and there is noone to help me with Jake.   Especially with us living where we are because of present finances and the fact that we will maybe be moving again we live on post and I still haven’t made any friends out here. I wish Stephen would want to go to church again. I hate going by myself and being the only one in the couples Sunday School class withouth my husband again. So I am praying that god will please help me see what it is that I am suppose to do in life. Was it meant for me to work at home doing the job I do so that I can volunteer? I don’t presently volunteer but the though crosses my mind often.  I don’t know I just keep praying.  I have to go for now but I have one more thing along this subject to talk about so I might post this later.